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Adventures of Sophia Loren

Doxie Diva Extraordinaire

  • Writer's pictureSophia Loren, Ph. Dog

Greta Became a Texas Game Warden

We almost missed the Bluebonnet season here in Texas, but we caught it right at the end! Mommy took us on a special trip to Ennis to see the flowers in a viewing meadow! It was so pretty! Since it was a wide-open space and Mommy could see us from everywhere, she let us off leash! Sissy had a blast!!!! See the videos in the links below!

Mommy took the time to officially pin Greta as a Texas Game Warden! We couldn’t get any pictures though because sissy kept her head down sniffing most of the time! Mommy ended up getting a picture of the pin without sissy, but her badge is pinned onto the back of her harness now.

Greta's Official Badge!

We ran around and enjoyed smelling the flowers. Some of the paths down to the lake reminded me of the paths I took in England when I visited my manor, Hatfield House. Greta ran so hard! Mommy was so happy because she knew Greta would sleep well! I "princess pranced" a little, but mostly I walked and Mommy even carried me when I got too tired.

Greta in the wildflowers!

Sophi in the wildflowers!

The meadow we went to did not just have Bluebonnets. It also had pretty orange flowers called Indian Paint Brushes, and a pinkish lavender flower called a Pink Evening Primrose. Next year, we hope to get out in the prime time of blooming!

Happy faces on the way home.

We were so worn out from our day that Mommy said Greta snored and I was running in my sleep! I don't know if I believe her though. Stay tuned for more adventures!

Luvs & Lix,

Sophia Loren

© Crista K. Banks
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