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Adventures of Sophia Loren

Doxie Diva Extraordinaire

  • Writer's pictureSophia Loren, Ph. Dog


It has been a while since my sisser Greta and I have been to a doggy pawty. We haven’t found a doggy group here like our one back in Florida, but Mommy found an event happening in Dallas called Puptopia! It is a one-day festival for dogs! Today she pulled out some of our pretty harnesses and leashes, packed our “go doggy” bag and put us in the car. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but when Mommy put the strolly in the back, I knew that meant we were going to a pawty!

Puptopia had dog shows, vendor booths, a spaw, snackies, and oversized doggy toys! There was a huge dog bowl that was actually a ball pit! Mommy knew better than to put me in that. There was also an obstacle course. Mommy tried to get Greta to do it. She did a couple of parts, but I think she was too excited to concentrate. I watched from my strolly. I did get out a little bit to walk around and sniff the park. I barked at the big dogs, just to let them know I was big too! After we wore sissy out and sniffed everything, Mommy packed us up and we drove home. Today was a pretty day, so I really loved sticking my head out the window and letting the breeze blow through my ears. Puptopia was fun, but I hope our next outing is a little more suited for royalty. You know, shopping and chicken!

This fire hydrant was huge!!!

We are in the middle of downtown Dallas, TX.

I'm checking out the park!

Stay tuned for more adventures!

Luvs & Lix,

Sophia Loren

© Crista K. Banks
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